Twitter top latest hidden features in 2024

Twitter is the social media platform where everyone nowadays goes to either express or to know about public opinions on a certain topic. It is a very easy-to-use app but that does not mean that the app lacks features as compared to Instagram or Facebook. In fact, there are several hidden features in Twitter that the majority of users are unaware of. It includes several fantastic features that can enhance the overall experience.

So we have compiled a list of some hidden features of Twitter that may want to know about.

Limiting replies to your tweets

As useful as Twitter is for communicating with your followers and sharing ideas, there is also a threat of trolls. If you’re worried that a tweet you’re sending will attract the attention of online trolls with nothing better to do with their life, Twitter offers a tool that can help you avoid all the unnecessary drama, and it’s one of those Twitter tips you’ll be grateful to have. You can simply click the ‘Everyone can reply’ button while writing your tweet and choose whether or not people can follow and react. You can even limit replies to persons whose names you mention in your tweet.

Switch to Latest Tweets First

People may dislike the algorithm-based timeline because it causes them to miss important tweets that Twitter does not believe are relevant to them. Fortunately, Twitter’s new feature allows you to switch to a timeline that displays the most recent tweet first. To use this feature, hit the star button in the upper right corner (as shown in the image below) and then choose to See the newest Tweets instead.

Add Interactive Stickers To Your Photos

Not only does Twitter allow you to modify your images before tweeting them, but it also offers a variety of interactive stickers to use with them. Select the photo you want to share with your followers by tapping the floating “new tweet” icon at the bottom. You’ll see two icons at the bottom right of the photo, namely a smiley and an edit icon, once you’ve selected it. To check out the sticker collection and place them on the photo, tap the smiley one. The stickers are highlighted when you open a photo connected to a tweet, and anyone can tap a sticker to see a feed of other tweets that utilized the same sticker to liven up their photos.

Customizing the profile

Twitter profile changes include more than simply changing the profile photo and display picture. You may also choose a custom color for your profile, which will be visible to anybody who visits it. To do so, click to Edit Profile > Theme Color > choose a pre-defined color or create your own.

Hacking your engagment

This is one of the most effective engagement strategies available. Don’t retweet a tweet if you want it to return to the top of everyone’s feed. Instead, respond to the tweet with a follow-up question or another tweet. The top tweet, as well as the two most recent replies, will be resurfaced on Twitter.

You can mute accounts, Keywords and Hashtags

Because it is such a popular place for community debates, there may be occasions when you want to avoid specific people or words. Twitter includes features to mute keywords, accounts, and hashtags to help you avoid similar situations. You can either mute for a limited period or permanently or prevent unsuitable accounts from appearing on your timeline. To make particular keywords/hashtags invisible in your timeline, go to Settings and Privacy > Muted Words and click “Add” to add new words to the list. Go to Settings and privacy > Muted Accounts to see the full list of accounts you’ve muted. Accounts can be unmuted here.

Scheduling Tweets in Twitter

Have a wonderful tweet idea but it’s not the proper time to convey it? Or do you want to send a tweet on Saturday without having to worry about working on Sunday? Twitter now allows you to schedule tweets from your desktop PC. You’ll notice an icon that looks like a calendar and clock when you start a new tweet. The icons for uploading images, adding gifs, and emojis are next to this. When you click here, you can schedule your tweet to go out whenever you choose over the following 18 months. Your ‘Scheduled Tweets’ will appear at the bottom of the scheduling box. You may update or delete them by clicking here.

This concludes the list of top hidden features of Twitter in 2024. You can also have a look at

This concludes the list of top hidden features of Twitter in 2024. You can also have a look at Instagram top latest hidden features in 2024.

Other than Instagram and Twitter, Facebook and Whatsapp have also come up with certain updates which you can know about by visiting our website Mobilesly.

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