How to resolve mobile hanging problems?

Everyone experiences the mobile hanging problem, and without a doubt, it’s the most irritating thing we have to endure while browsing and chatting with friends. In an ever-evolving technological world, phones are now capable of performing more and more tasks. People are becoming much more dependent on mobile devices. This high dependence eventually led to the overuse of smartphones, which sometimes causes mobile phones to hang.
So today we will be discussing ways to resolve mobile hanging problems.
1. Uninstalling unwanted apps:
Every mobile has a limited storage capacity. When you congest your cell phone by installing so many applications, your phone may continue to stop. That’s why deleting some unwanted apps can solve your problem.
2. Shutting down your mobile:
Switching off your mobile for a bit while will refresh your mobile phone. It’s going to be get rid of all the needless pieces of data that were filling the memory room. Hence your phone may not hang any longer.
3. Removing your mobile phone’s battery:
It might not be very effective, but it’s not a poor thing to try if your mobile is too hanging. When shutting off the cell phone and replacing the battery once every month, the residue would be eliminated from the electrical contact points.
Note: This is only applicable to mobile phones with a removable battery.
4. Keep all the applications in your mobile updated:
Ios developers tend to boost the efficiency of their software. The new update of the software could be configured to use less storage space and having all device changes up to date may reduce your smartphone hanging issue.
5. Minimize the number of apps running in the background to prevent cellphone from hanging.
Many apps even run on the background after you have closed them. These apps include Facebook and messenger. They may contribute to the hanging of your phone. Try to minimize the concurrent apps in your phone by uninstalling such apps or choosing an option “FORCE TO STOP” alternative from your mobile settings to pause the app unless you want to use it.
6. Download a lite version of an app:
Some applications occupy a lot of your internal storage capacity due to which your mobile may start hanging frequently. Try to download their other alternative or a LITE or GO version of the apps. For example, Facebook lite, messenger lite, twitter lite, etc.
Such programs use less disk space than the standard ones.
7. Avoid live wallpaper:
Consider keeping your smartphone screen with a plain or no wallpaper as it directly affects the performance of the RAM.
8. Insert SD card to extend the external storage of your mobile:
If your phone has all the applications downloaded in its internal storage, insert an SD card, and transfer all the downloaded software from internal to external memory. This will reduce your phone hanging.
9. Prevent your phone from heating up:
Your phone’s hardware doesn’t work well with the heat, so your phone may hang often when your cellphone is heating up. Try to prevent your phone from heat up.
You will find 20 different ways to solve mobile heating problems on mobilesly
10. Deleting unnecessary data from your mobile:
If your mobile has too many duplicate photos, songs, and videos that you no longer need or any other junk files, delete them to free the occupied storage.
11. Download an anti-virus application:
There is a range of applications developed to eliminate virus from mobile devices. Due to the virus, cell phones sometimes hang and heat up often. Once the anti-virus software has eliminated the virus from your mobile, it will continue to function properly.
12. Use the factory reset option:
If nothing works on your phone factory reset option is your last resort. This option will remove everything from your mobile and will make your mobile like it was in the factory.
13. Purchase a high-end smartphone to avoid this problem:
High-end smartphones are a little expensive, but they’re less inclined to hang or freeze. You can do a one-time investment and purchase a good quality smartphone to avoid hanging issues.
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