How to grow Pakistani Youtube Channel

Youtube is considered to be the world’s second-largest search engine after Google, with around three billion searches per month. Individuals from all around the globe spend hours on this platform, providing an opportunity for all Youtube content creators to make money. As a result, Youtube is not only a huge source of information for its users but also a substantial source of revenue for those who wish to earn from their creative content.
If we talk about Pakistan in particular, there are a huge number of content creators who have been using Youtube for their revenue. Although for a new startup channel, you can not expect thousands of views and money right after you have posted your content. Even at times when your content is exceptionally good, you may not get the response you have been expecting. But that does not mean that you will never be successful. With continuous efforts and market research, you will find out how you can improve your content and learn to target the market which will earn you views and income.
Whenever you see a successful Youtuber, you do think of starting a channel of your own. But keep in mind that a successful Youtube channel yearns for years of struggle and hard work. If you too have just created a Youtube channel and are wondering how you can make it grow, then you are at the right place.
Don’t be hasty!
Like we explained earlier, for those who have just created their channel or for those who are thinking of creating a channel on Youtube, the one thing you need to keep in your mind is patience. You have to be patient and not rush for anything. If you will rush to get views and get paid for your content then you will mess up and may not be able to establish a market value for your channel. Think about your ideas for your content, for which age group does it target, and how much effort will you need to put in to get back the returns.
Keep improving your content
The best way to get the audience’s attention is to deliver your best. Due to great market competition, the content which you created and considers the best of your work may not be of some value in the eyes of the viewers as they have other options to watch. You have to make continuous improvements in your content to be competitive. You can take references from your fellow creators but never ever try to copy them. What is already available in the market will never serve its purpose twice. You can reformat your existing videos
Try to engage with your audience as much as possible
When working on a social media platform, you need plenty of social interaction. Posting videos without being responsive to your viewer’s comments may not do good for your channel. Youtube rewards the channels which have higher engagement. Try to reply to almost every comment you receive and of not all, most of them. You can also engage with your audience through live sessions.
Promoting your channel on other social media platform
It is one of the key factors which can make your Youtube channel grow. Try to give reference posts related to your Youtube content on other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You can also post teasers of your videos on Facebook and Instagram so that those who may not know about your latest Youtube video can find it on other social media apps.
Attractive thumbnails
Thumbnails that steal your attention definitely get you more views. Videos with catchy titles and appealing thumbnails will bring in more audience even if the content itself is not great. This is because they have a higher click-through rate (CTR). To make your content more highlighted, try to insert more large text, unusual images which have not been used before, and arrows.
Try to use a particular Keyword or topic
Using particular keywords and make constant use of them is very essential for a Youtube channel. You can use a key tool to generate keywords for your content. Such tools will help you to find the most used keywords by the YouTubers to gather an audience. Moreover, try to stick to one type of content and a limited length. There is no need to jump on to different types of content at a time when you do not have a proper grip on one type. Make your videos short so that they do not get boring. Mostly a five minutes video is good enough.
Branding is very importamt
Try to make a unique look of your channel or a signature style. By doing so, people will start recognizing your content and differentiate it from other content. Try to look professional and attractive at the same time so that people may find your channel worth subscribing to. Also, write an interesting bio to explain what kind of videos you create.
Make your posting more frequent
You may never want your content or channel to be forgotten which is why you need to create more content and post as much often as possible to stay in the market. Posting in weeks or months makes your channel less familiar. People may not recognize a creator who is not often seen on Youtube.
Try to show up
This is not always necessary, especially when you want to keep yourself anonymous but being a part of your content makes you more familiar with the audience. The more your audience will see you, the more they will get attached to your content as they will recognize its creator and get used to its way of speaking, behavior, and content style,
Ask your viewers to subscribe
Always ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel so that they can find more of your videos. It is necessary to keep a good amount of quality content on your channel so that people may want to subscribe to watch more videos. If you have a very little number of videos on your channel then it may give your audience an impression that you do not post often and subscribing to your channel is not worth it. You can even ask your family, friends, and relatives to subscribe to your channel.
Don’t make money your basic aim
We all want to get paid for the hard work and all the efforts we put into a job. However when running a Youtube channel, one should know that making money the basic aim won’t take you anywhere. You have to be dedicated to your work and only your passion to get recognized and acknowledged in the market will make you successful.
Don’t lose your motivation if you are not getting enough views. Consistency is the key to success. It may take longer to get recognized in the market but you have to keep on striving. Also, don’t just look at the perks these Youtubers have been enjoying once their channel is well established and well known in the market. Always look behind their success story and dedication with their work which eventually led them towards the road of success.
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