GTA 6 Latest Leaks, Release Date & Much More

Some Grand Theft Auto fans believe that the new GTA Online update trailer teases GTA 6’s setting. The majority of rumors surrounding the upcoming Grand Theft Auto game seem to concur that Vice City, the series’ fictionalized version of Miami, will either serve as the game’s primary setting or one of its key locales. Other cities and nations mentioned in various rumors include Carcer City (the Midwest), Liberty City (New York City), Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and more. However, Vice City serves as a unifying theme. Another significant discrepancy amongst the speculations is that some claim the game is set in the 1980s while others claim it is set in the present period.
There are various speculations that claim it takes place in both the past and the present, with the prologue taking place in the past and the rest of the game in the present. All things considered, some Grand Theft Auto fans are revisiting the speculations citing the 1980s in light of the aforementioned GTA Online clip.
The release trailer for the upcoming GTA Online The Criminal Enterprises update features a scenario in which a character exclaims, “It’s insane! It seems like 1981 all over again. As would be expected, some fans have interpreted this as a hint, in part because Rockstar Games is notorious for dropping tiny easter eggs that hint towards upcoming games, though these easter eggs are normally less evident than this.

Take everything presented here as pure supposition for the time being. While there is some truth to these GTA 6 leaks, there is also a very good probability that this small section of the trailer is nothing.
Numerous purported facts about GTA 6 were posted on 4chan by a person posing as a developer at Rockstar Games. Our wonderful pals over at Reddit and on Twitter both picked this up. This is a lot, I promise. Characters, setting, story, gameplay, and a tonne more are all purportedly being released here from GTA 6. Before you read the original post for yourself down below, let’s briefly go over some of the more intriguing topics.
- GTA 6 Release date set for late 2024
- Two protagonists, one male one female (read more about that down below)
- Will feature a chapter system, similar to Red Dead Redemption 2
- Multiple cities with two main areas – Vice City & Cuba
- 97 planned main mission, around 60 hours playtime for the story
- New, sophisticated AI system
- Destructible environments, but can’t completely destroy buildings
- 12 planned radio stations, FLASH F.M. from the original Vice City will return
- “The world map is roughly 103.14 sq/km“
When could the GTA 6 release date be?
Short version: based on previous delays between console GTA announcements and release, we’d be waiting about 22 months, or August 2020, if Rockstar had announced GTA 6 the day after Red Dead Redemption 2 released (October 26, 2018 – write it in your calendar). Rockstar obviously didn’t do that. In actuality, it didn’t do anything until Rockstar officially announced that the game was in development in February 2022. Because of this, predicting any kind of release window is challenging. But according to a recent leak, it won’t be here until the end of 2024.

According to the most recent GTA 6 leaks, GTA 6 will be released sometime in 2025. The game’s setting in a contemporary version of Vice City, which will grow and alter over time, comes with the warning that this.
This contradicts earlier predictions that GTA 6 might debut in October 2023 and take place in Miami. However, other information from that leak includes a single, male protagonist, the fact that the game is set in the 1970s, and a chaptered plot similar to Red Dead Redemption 2. It starts getting more thrilling when you add it to Rockstar teaser tweets encouraging fans to “stay tuned” for GTA 6 updates from the official Rockstar Support account on Twitter.
What will the GTA 6 setting be? Here are all the rumors
The possibility of GTA 6 returning to Vice City or taking place over the entire US has been mentioned in a number of GTA 6 leaks.
According to the most recent reports, which surfaced in June 2021, the setting of GTA 6 will be a contemporary reproduction of Vice City. Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier later confirmed this rumor.
GTA 6 will be set in the current day, according to reliable tipper Tom Henderson in March 2021. Henderson responded to an inquiry on Twitter by simply writing, “It’s not set in the 1980s and is modern.”

An image of a house that surfaced in the GTA San Andreas remastered edition appears to support this. New to the game, the image of the mansion sparked rumors that it was a preview for Grand Theft Auto 6. But suppose someone has been able to confirm that it is from GTA 6, which supports the theory that it is situated in contemporary Vice City.
But via Reddit, a significant GTA 6 leak surfaced back in 2020. There were a total of 23 details shared by user JackOLantern1982 about the upcoming Rockstar game. In addition to stating that it is in development, they also reveal that the game’s codename is Project Americas since it will be set in two different countries: Vice Metropolis in the US and Brazil, in a fictional city modeled after Rio de Janeiro. According to the source, Netflix’s Narcos would have a big influence on the related story (which is a phenomenal series about the origins of the cocaine trade).
The leak said that you’ll be creating your own drug business using a mechanic more analogous to GTA Online than Vice City Stories, but far more intricate. Similar to the horse in Red Dead Redemption 2, your car will let you to stow your gear in the trunk as opposed to having it hidden on your character. This leak claims that the game will be set around the 1970s to 1980s, with a strong emphasis on weather and how buildings age and change over time.

However, a different potential leak on Fireden(opens in new tab) indicates that GTA 6 will take place in modern-day Liberty City, with the opening sequence of the game evoking The Wire. It does imply that the drug ring that is the subject of all the leaks is also the basis for this film.
Several years ago, Rockstar Games was the source of rumors that GTA 6 might be set in London, maybe right outside the studio’s doors. Dan Houser, a co-founder of Rockstar, stated the following in an interview with Polygon in September 2013:
Since that is what it has historically been, it feels like GTA’s DNA is contemporary-ish, American-ish, and English-speaking-ish at the moment. Though it doesn’t imply that it is limited to those; rather, it is simply what we have done thus far.

Many made the assumption that GTA might be looking for outside inspiration or possibly going back to the UK as a result of this. In an interview with The Guardian that exact same month, Houser added that GTA wouldn’t return to London:
GTA London was hip at the time, but there weren’t as many titles available, according to Houser. “These days, I believe that we would adore creating a game that was situated in the UK, in London, or somewhere else, but I’m not sure if it would be a GTA game. It wouldn’t necessarily be a GTA, but I think there are lots of fantastic stories we could tell about the UK, fantastic landscapes to show off, and fantastic gameplay mechanics that could have a UK twist.”
Rockstar visited the Japanese city as a reference trip for a game called GTA: Tokyo a few years ago, a person who spoke to TechRadar in March 2016 claimed. Before starting that particular gaming excursion, the team visited with people, took a tonne of images, and wanted to acquire a strong feel for the place. Apparently, the idea for the game was finally scrapped.
According to the source, Rockstar was “serious” about creating a video game with a Japanese setting. In fact, the company went so far as to register the names GTA: Toyko, GTA: Bogota, and also the enigmatic GTA: Sin City as trademarks in 2003. The road system was considered a difficulty and was simply one of the reasons why the idea was ultimately abandoned at that time, which was around the period of GTA 3 and Vice City.

Let’s start with some background information since the GTA 6 leaks currently being circulated are quite extensive. The following places have been included in GTA games thus far:
- Liberty City – GTA 3, GTA 4, Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony
- Vice City – GTA Vice City
- San Andreas / Los Santos – GTA: San Andreas, GTA 5
Vice City or Liberty City seem like the most likely contenders to reappear if history were to repeat itself… However, it’s feasible that the game will explore new areas; this seems more likely given the assumptions that GTA Online set, i.e., that the planet won’t get any smaller. GTA Online’s goal, according to Rockstar’s Leslie Benzies, was to “expand this universe until it’s the world,” according to a 2013 interview with him on the YouTube GTA show GTAVoclock(opens in new tab). We’re just going to keep adding new elements and new locations to it.
What will the GTA 6 story be?
There are several theories about the GTA 6 story as well, ranging from multiple protagonists to a single male hero.
The 2020 Reddit leak hinted that it would take place in the 1970s or 1980s and have a single, male lead who is an aspiring drug lord named “Ricardo.” The story also includes “Kacey,” another important figure. According to that leak, the plot will span several cities and you’ll begin as a grunt making runs as a cocaine smuggler from Vice City to the brand-new vast South American area before connecting with powerful drug lords and working your way up. A young Martin Madrazo and his father, a powerful drug lord at the time, are said to make an appearance. You do tasks for the Madrazo family that involve conducting hits on rival gangs. According to reports, the story would also address issues like HIV and the immigration crises in the 1970s and 1980s.

However, according to an earlier Fireden leak, there would be four primary characters—two cops and two gang members. According to that leak, the primary storyline splits after a while, with the police side being more of a classic action game with a hint of LA Noire, and the criminal side being a sort of sandbox build-a-crime-empire (like Fallout 4 meets the Sims).
According to the most recent GTA 6 leaks from June 2021, the modern-day Vice City game will have many playable characters, including a “tech-savvy woman,” with the game’s map evolving over time, similar to Fortnite. Since then, Schreier has nearly entirely confirmed all of those statements, according to Resetera(opens in new tab) on Twitter.
It’s interesting to note that Rockstar hasn’t completely ruled out using numerous characters in the future, simulating the GTA 5 trio. After Red Dead Redemption 2’s release, Rockstar said to, “Maybe we will do it again with another game, but with Red Dead Redemption 2, you are this man and you will share his adventure,” even though there is only one playable character in Arthur Morgan.
What has Rockstar said about GTA 6 on the record?
In a four-part interview with the magazine Develop(opens in new tab), the former president of Rockstar North hinted at the upcoming installment of the series, which sparked online GTA 6 leaks:
“We don’t know what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas,” said Benzies in the interview. “We’ve got about 45 years’ worth of ideas we want to do. We’ll pick the right ones. It comes from the idea first. Where it is going to be set is the first question. That then defines the missions; you’re doing different things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map and story get worked up together, and the story is a basic flow of how it works out so you can layer the mission in.”
Naturally, Benzies gave little away regarding the format that GTA 6 will take and left Rockstar North under somewhat contentious circumstances (opens in new tab). Rockstar is unlikely to abandon the tried-and-true development methodology used for the GTA series, in which creating a setting is done first and characters and buildings are added on top. It would be a bold step to alter the framework because GTA 5 was developed by more than 1000 developers working across companies in different countries.
Will there be a GTA 6 PC release?
At this point, it’s very obvious that GTA 6 will be released on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, especially in light of GTA 5’s impending next-gen post for the console and PC. It’s less certain, though, whether GTA 6 for PC will be launched concurrently with its console counterparts.
One would hope that GTA 6 would ultimately be ported to the PC, just like GTA 5 and GTA 4. Although it may not have a simultaneous release, the extra polishing and development time have so far paid well, so hopefully, PC fans will be prepared to wait for a little longer this time.